Blue Marble Hall of Fame
Blue Community: Blue Marble Hall of Fame
Rock stars, presidents, kids, scientists, artists, explorers, eco-celebrities, teachers, business leaders...even the Dalai Lama and the Pope have received blue marbles and gotten their Blue Mind on!
Born one day in 2009, the wildly popular, absurdly simple, neuroscience-based initiative of marine biologist Dr. Wallace J. Nichols, has shared blue marbles around the world with millions of people in celebration of our beautiful, fragile, planet.
Now, The Blue Marbles Project has set out to pass a blue marble through every person's hand on earth, with a simple message of gratitude along with it.
We encourage you to pass on Blue Marbles as well.
Dr. Reese Halter
Earth Doctor Reese Halter author of Shepherding the Sea, Chief scientist for the Waves of Change campaign, Director SOS Earth Calling, regular guest on MSNBC and other media program, and much more. Reese also narrated the then part Blue Community video series. Hard to find someone more passionate about protecting our oceans.
John Van Hezwek
John Van Hezwek has championed many causes to improve the sustainability of the planet. This blue marble is recognition of the Green Lodging auditing program he helped lead with Patel College graduate students.
Matthew Randle
A blue marble for Matt Randle who the day he graduated from high school volunteered to help with the World Ocean Day event by helping sail the Schooner Wolf from Key West to St. Petersburg to reduce the cost of crew, then served as one of the cameramen and volunteers for the program.
Dr. Raymond Moody
Dr. Raymond Moody, Ph.D. Philosophy, M.D. Psychiatry, best selling author, one of the world's leading expert on near death experiences, and dedicated to transforming the way we think to solve the world's problems.
Alex & Jesse Randle
Alex and Jesse Randle, strong advocates of encouraging people to enjoy and protect the water environments be they rivers, lakes, or oceans.
Richard Jordan
A blue marble for Richard Jordan for his life long dedication to working with the U.N. System to help make a better world and his invaluable assistance to the Blue Community program.
Dan Fisher
Dan Fisher is President and CEO of Tampa Bay Green Consortium, a 501(c) non-profit organization in Tampa Bay that supports ocean conservation, aquatic health, and environmental stewardship by providing the guidance, resources, and tools to help increase environmental awareness within the community to promote the sharing of knowledge, people and resources needed for environment projects focusing on sea turtle conservation, marine debris, and environmental education.
Aboard the Disney Magic and appreciating all that Duro, the Ships Environmental officer, does to be as environmentally friendly as practical.
Brooke & Sean Paxton
The Shark Brothes, Brooke & Sean Paxton, founders of Shot Locker Productions, are working to educate the public and protect coastal habitat and marine environments. Living the wild life has been a longtime family business for these outdoor adventure junkies, performers and filmmakers. From swimming with sharks outside the cage to the bright lights of a rock and roll stage, the Shark Brothers and their family have always been wild by nature. It's what drives their work both in front of and behind the cameras.
A Blue Marble for Goofy who was helping to educate kids at the Tour de Turtles Event at Disney Vero Beach, FL
Randy Durband & Dr. Kelly Bricker
A Blue marble for Dr. Kelly Bricker, President of The International Ecotouism Society, and Randy Durband, CEO of the Global Sustainble Tourism Council for the good work they do to further sustainable tourism and for this event where they were workshop leaders at the United Nations for a Sustinable Tourism workshop.
Mike Coleman, Ed Chiles & Sarbuland Khan
Mike Coleman & Ed Chiles of the Pine Avenue Restoration Project and Sarbuland Khan from the U.N. World Tourism Organization. Al three are leaders in sustainable tourism and protecting our planet.
Chief Phil Lane Jr.
A blue marble to Phil Lane Jr. for all his award winning work to show us we are one human family, to promote marine protected areas, and to help everyone to better love Mother Earth.
Debbie Stone
Debbie Stone, Director of the Florida Aquarium following a training for educators to educate on climate change. Debbie also provides many education programs to protect our seas and oceans.
Captain Finbar Gittleman
A blue marble for Captain Finbar Gittleman of the Flagship Schooner Wolf. who has led many humanitarian voyages to assist those in need, has served as Supreme Commander of all allied forces of the Conch Republic, and has now dedicated the schooner wolf to be the flag ship of the Waves of Change Navy to protect the oceans.
TJ Jett
TJ Jett, a naturalist and educator at Disney Hilton Head. TJ provide conservation education for people to learn about and protect our coastal habitats and marine environments.
Dr. Michael Crosby
President & CEO of Mote Marine Lab & Aquarium, Michael Crosby has a long career of conducting research, providing education, and engaging the public on issues to protect our oceans. He is one of the world's leading scientists who are working hard so all of us can better understand and protect the oceans and seas.
Dr. T.H. Culhane
Dr. Thomas Henry Culhane is the co founder of Soar Cities, urban planner, National Geographic Explorer, and professor, T.H. is working around the world with new technologies to turn waste into energy.
Justin Farrow
A blue marble for Justin Farrow, the lighthouse keeper for the Beautiful Nation Project. Beautiful Nation team members sail around the world and stream live programs on the ocean to over a million of children around the world.
Julie McEnroe
A blue Marble Julie Mcenroe, Director of the Pirates in Paradise Festival, Administrator for the Schooner Wolf, and champion for the ocean.
Dr. Jackie Ogden
A blue marble for Dr. Jackie Ogden, VP for Animals, Science, & Environment for the Walt Disney Company.
Dr. Blair Witherington
Dr. Blair Witherington leads the Walt Disney Company efforts to protect endangered sea turtles. His proven success is an inspiration to all.
Dr. Nancy Thompson
Nancy Thompson, Director of the Keys Marine Lab, developing marine scientists for the future.
Joe Rohde
Joe Rohde, Executive Designer and Vice President, Creative, Walt Disney Co. assists people in connecting to nature, animals, and inspires actions for a sustainable planet.
Commodore Jose Miquel Diaz Escrich
A blue marble for Commodore Jose Miquel Diaz Escrich, the founder of the Club Náutico Internacional Hemingway de Cuba (Hemingway International Yacht Club of Cuba) who also serves as Cuba's Cuba's goodwill ambassador to recreational boaters, internationally and locally. Commodore Esrich is committed to protecting our blue ocean resources.
Fernando Bretos
A blue marble for Fernando Bretos, executive director of CUBAMAR who is a proven leader in building sound scientific collaboration between Cuba, the United States and neighboring countries that share marine resources.
Dra. Silvia Patricia Gonzalez Diaz
A blue marble for Dra. Silvia Patricia Gonzalez Diaz. Patricia is the director of Ecologia Marina at the University of Havana. She is a national leader in Cuba in protecting the oceans and coastal and marine habitat.
Kristin Hoffman
A blue marble for Kristin Hoffman, singer / songwriter, who wrote the "Song for the Ocean" that was part of the World Ocean Day event in 2007 that was the catalyst for World Ocean Day being recognized as a U.N. Day.
NASA Kennedy Space Center
World Ocean Day Celebration
Blue Marbles awarded to NASA Kennedy Space Center Team during World Oceans Day celebration.
Louis Zunguze
Louis Zunguze is a planner and professor of coastal sustainability
Richard Berman
A blue marble for Richard Berman, director of the USF Patel College of Global Sustainability and strong advocate for peace, justice, and sustainability. Richard also is a strong supporter of sea turtle conservation.
Dr. Jackie Dixon
A blue marble for Dr. Jackie Dixon, dean of the USF College of Marine Science and leader in ocean education.
Sharon Wright
A blue marble for Sharon Wright, Sustainability coordinator for the City of Saint Petersburg, FL
Dr. Frank Mueller-Karger
Frank E. Muller-Karger is a biological oceanographer (Professor) at the College of Marine Science, University of South Florida. He is of Hispanic descent via Puerto Rico, and while born in the U.S. he grew up in Venezuela. Muller-Karger conducts research on how marine ecosystems change in time.
Richie Moretti
A blue marble for Richie Moretti, founder of the Turtle Hospital in the Florida Keys.
Dr. Dan Evans
A blue marble for Dan Evans, Technology & Research Biologist, and Sea Turtle Grants Program Administrator for the Sea Turtle Conservancy
Gary Appelson
A blue marble for Gary Appelson for his good work developing coastal policy initiatives for sea turtles.
Dr. Julia Azanza Ricardo
A blue marble for Dr. Julia Azanza Ricardo, a leading marine scientist in Cuba who assisted us in tagging sea turtles in Western Cuba.
Nicolas Alesha
A blue marble for 16 yr old Nicolas Alesha who has been tagging sharks since he was 12 years old.
David Godfrey
A blue marble for David Godfrey, Executive Director of the Sea Turtle Conservancy.
Barry Clifford
A blue marble for Barry Clifford one of the world's best known undersea explorers
Dr. Mark Penning
A blue marble for Dr. Mark Penning, VP of Walt Disney Co. Animal, Science, & Environment.
Dr. John Hull
A blue marble for Dr. John Hull who has been a leader in calling attention to the issues of the mountains.
Dr. Wallace j. Nichols
A blue marble for Wallace Nichols, the founder of the Blue Marble project, author, marine scientist, educator, and author of the Blue Mind.
USF PCGS Sustainable Tourism
A blue marble for the PCGS class students who studied Blue Mind as part of the course.
Yolando Perdomo
A blue marble for Yolando Perdomo, Director of the UNTWO Affiliate Members Programme and her good work in promoting sustainable tourism.
Michael Atwood Mason
A blue marble for Michael Atwood Mason, Director, Smithsonian Center for Folklife and Cultural Heritage.
Addaia Arizmendi
A blue marble for Addaia Arizmendi, Program Associate for the UNWTO who works with the UNWTO Affiliate program promoting peace, justice, and sustainability.
Frank Hetherton
A blue marble for Frank Hetherton, director of architecture and master planner for Villages Nature Paris, a joint venture with Pierre et Vacances and Euro Disney.
Marie Balmain
A blue marble for Marie Balmain, Director Sustainable Development and CSR for Villages Nature Paris, a joint venture with Pierre et Vacances and Euro Disney.
Emilie Riess
A blue marble for Emilie Reiss for her good work with the Villages Natures Paris, a joint venture with Pierre et Vacances and Euro Disney.
Zenaida M. Navarro Martinez
A blue marble for Zenaida M. Navarro Martinez, Center for Marine Science, University of Havana, Cuba for her good work in protecting the ocean.
Harry Crissy
A blue marble for Harry Crissy for his good work for peace, justice, and sustainability in Key West, FL Cuba, and around the world.
Debbie Kinder
A blue marble for Debbie Kinder for her good work with the Blue Ocean Film Festival.
Ivy Yin
A blue marble for Ivy Yin for his great video for Song for the Ocean by Kristin Hoffman.
Rebecca Tobias
On Canada Day, a blue marble for Rebecca Tobias, a Canadian who is working to protect, restore, and enhance the planet and assisting with our Blue Community work.
Fr. Dr. Don Conroy
A blue marble for Fr. Don Conroy, founder of the North American Coalition and early pioneer in environmental ministry.
Dr. Silvia Earle
A blue marble for Dr. Sylvia Earle and all the good work she does to protect our oceans.
Dr. Jeffery Sachs
A blue marble for Dr. Jeffery Sachs, University Professor, Director Earth Institute an human being dedicated to a more peaceful, just, and sustainable planet.
Catlin Cox
A blue marble for Catlin Cox for all of her good with with the Disney Conservation Fund helping others to protect our planet.
Paul Hart
A blue marble for Paul Hart, General Manager of the Disney Vero Beach Resort, who has become a model for tourism and sea turtle conservation.
Chris Castro
A blue marble for Chris Castro, City of Orlando Sustainability Director who is pioneering many innovative ways to live more sustainably.
Enas Abdel Rahman Culhane
A blue marble for Enas Abdel Rahman Culhane from Palestine for her work for peace, justice, and sustainability.
Chad Truxall
A blue marble for Chad Truxall, biologist, educator, and Executive Director of the Marine Discovery Center
Joe Tankersley
Joe Tankersley is a writer, futurist, and former Walt Disney Imagineer. He is the founder of Unique Visions
David Helvarg
David Helvarg is founder and president of the marine conservation lobbying organization Blue Frontier Campaign, a part of the Seaweed rebellion, which arose from his second book Blue Frontier.
Jonathan Tourellot
A blue marble for Jonathan B. Tourtellot, CEO Destination Stewardship Center, Founder, National Geographic Center for Sustainable Destinations and originator of the Geotourism approach.
Peter Clark
A blue marble for Peter Clark, President of Tampa Bay Watch for all the good work they do to protect, restore, and enhance coastal habitat and marine environments.
Dr. David W. Randle
Blue marble for David Randle given by J. Nichols, founder of the Blue Marble Project
Marcio Favilla L. de Paula
A blue marble for Marcio Favilla L. de Paula, Executive Director UNWTO for his good work in protecting the planet through sustainable tourism.
Taleb Rifai
A blue marble for Taleb Rifai, Secretary General, UNWTO, for his leadership in sustainable tourism to protect the culture, economy, and environment.
Angeline Herbert
A blue marble for Angeline Herbert, tour guide and naturalist for the Earth, Fire, Air, and Water gardens, Villages Nature, France.
Kimberly Harrison
A blue marble for Kimberly Harrison, Welcome House, and Nature Tour Translator, Villages Nature, France.
Ben Gil
A Blue Marble for Ben Gill for his great work wit One Planet Living!
Talal Abu-Ghazaleh
A blue marble for Talal Abu-Ghazaleh, Chair of the U.N. Year for Sustainable Tourism for Development.
Mickey Mouse
"It was all started by a Mouse" - Walt Disney
Nicole Oulmet-Herter
Nicole Ouimet-Herter is the Environment Manager, Disneyland Paris
PM4SD & Blue Community Conference at Disneyland Paris
PM4SD & Blue Community Conference sustainability tour to Disneyland Paris.
Dr. Ioannis Pappas
Dr. Ioannis Pappas, is the Director, Mediterranean Region at GSTC (Global Sustainable Tourism Council
Mary Poppins
Mary Poppins seems to understand the magic of the Blue Marble
Dominque Coquet
Dominque Cocquet was the first General Manager for Villages Nature, Paris. He served for six years and was much of the creative force behind this transformative design concept.
Deirdre Shurland
Deirdre Shurland is a Project Manager/Senior Advisor, UN Environment, Washington D.C. Metro area
Elham Fouda
A blue marble for Elham Fouda, Executive Director, Egyptian Ministry of Tourism
Lugi Cabrini
Luigi Cabrini is the chair of the Board of Directors of the Global Sustaiable Tourism Council
Mostafa A Megid
A blue marble for Mostafa A. Megid, Egyptian Ministry of Tourism.
Jim Bacchus
A blue marble for Jim Bacchus director of the UCF Center for Global Economic and Environmental Opportunity.
Kari Williams
A blue marble for Kari Williams for her tireless work and leadership for peace, justice, and sustainability.
Paul Arsenault
Paul Arsenault is an artist whose love for the sea are often reflected in his paintings.
Dr. Gaston de Jesus Rodriquez Millian
A blue marble for Dr. Gaston de Jesus Rodriquez Milian. Gaston is a professor of economics and tourism in Cuba working to make the coastal communities of Cuba more sustainable and protective of the environment.
John Biffar
A blue marble for John Bilfar, President of Dreamtime Entertainment & Peace Visions.
Rev. Joel Ortega Dopico
A blue marble for Rev. Joel Ortega Dopico, President of the Cuban National Council of Churches working hard for peace, justice, and sustainability.
David Gittelman
Danny Gittleman, surfer, sailor, and lover of the ocean.
Fidel Hernandez Figuero
A blue marble for Fidel Hernández Figueroa, director of Las Terrazas, Cuba, an eco-tourism resort and UNESCO Biosphere protected area.
Sir C.W. Colt
A blue marble for Sir C.W. Colt whose music inspires us all to dream of a better world.
Gaspar Perez
A blue marble for Gaspar Perez, transport and guide in Cuba.
Frank Liu
Founder of the Harmony Bell Project that was rung at the UN by the UN Sec. General & President of the General Assemblly
Mally Weaver and Tom Avery
A blue marble for Tom Avery and Mally Weaver, artisan and artist and both lovers of the sea.
Dr. Frida Bahja
Researcher & Sustainability Enthusiast
NASA Kennedy Space Center
Participants at the NASA Kennedy program celebrating World Ocean Day, 2019
Ryan Lee Thomas
Ryan Lee is the Environmental Manager at the Aulani Resort, Hawaii
Kahulu De Santos
Kahulu De Santos is the Cultural Advisor for Aulani, A Disney Resort and Spa, in Ko Olina, Hawai'i,
Auntie Nettie Tiffany
Lynette" Nettie" Tiffany is the Supervisor (Kahu) of Lanikonua, "Where Heaven Meets Earth", a cultural refuge at the entrance to Ko Olina, Hawaii.
Mayor Russ Owen
New Smyrma Beach, Florida
Jamie Dudley
General Manager Spring Hills Marriott, New Smyrna Beach, FL
Randy McHenry
Owners of the Blue Community certifed Spring Hills Suites by Marriot in New Smyrna Beach, FL
Sheri McHenry
Owners of the Blue Community certifed Spring Hills Suites by Marriot in New Smyrna Beach, FL
Ramón Labañino
Known as one of the 5 Cuban Heroes and Vice President ANEC, Playa, Cuba.
Lic. Naylet Baza Guilarta
ANEC Director of International Relations, Playa, Cuba
Madeline Ramirez
Cuba News Agency Reporter
Oscar Luis Hung Penton
President, The Association of Economists of Latin America and the Caribbean
Prof. Emeritus Dr. Ricardo J.M. Pahlen Acuna Decano
Frofessor of Economics, University of Buenos Aires, Argentina who lectues on the need to place economic value on the environment and natural resoures.
Carlos Miguel Rodriquez Rojas
A blue marble for his dedication to making a world and being both an advocate and particpant in planting trees.
Patricia de la Caridad Rodriquez de la Fe
A blue marble for Patricia for her passion for protecting beaches
Karen Rojas Hernandez
Professor of Psychology, University of Mantanzas. Strong concern for reducing liter especially plastics.
Carlos Martinez
Carlos is a Cuban Bartender who wants to see better relations between the U.S. and Cuba. He said many Cubans like American music and his favorite was Alan Jackson. I told hm one of my favorites was Jimmy Buffett and shared this song with him. We were instand friends.
Cuban Ministry of Tourism Meeting
Met wtih three members of the Cuban Ministry of Tourism along with the President and Vice President of ANEC, the Cuban News agency, and Professor Gaston Rodriquez.
Col. Mike Deacy
Retired Col, Mad Dog Triathlete, and Friend to Animal.
Bob Duggan
President and Founder of ESI, is the lead instructor for Sacred Terror, Behavioral Intelligence, Human Behavior and Dangerousness, Unarmed Defensive Tactics, Weapon Disarms and Retention. He is a diver, lives part time on a boat, and advocate for protecting planet Earth.
Brian Rose
Brian is committed to living a sustainble lifestyle and works to protect others with hurricane windows that also add energy efficiency.
Dr. Cory Rayala
California Dept of Education, Education Program Consultant & CEO of ENSO
Dr. Martin Rayala
Thought leader in educaiton, schooling, and life long learning, supporting educational transformation across the world. Founder of ENSO & Chief Academic Officer
Brian Collins
Former Walt Disney Imagneer, President of ENSO, and founder and Director of the Brainstorm Institute
Owen Pryor
Owen represents West Bay Energy, a solar installation company, for the Blue Community Consortium
Curt Hemmel
Founder & CEO of the Bay Shellfish Company
Brian Vest
Brian co-directs the Conch Republic Marine Army providing best practices for coastal restoration
Dr. David Vaughan
David directs Plant a Million Corals which is what he is doing to restore coral reefs around the world.
Tica Lubin
Tica's goal is to promote innovation in systems and desgin that support people, communities, and the planet.
Doug Heske
Doug is founder and CEO of NEWDAY Impact Investing. Newday is helping investors build modern portfolios that align social and environmental values with financial returns.
Douglas Gayeton
Douglas is a filmaker, author, and the co-founder and CEO of Lexicon. Lexicon is building a new Environmental Benefits Framework for the planet.
John Marsh
John is Owner of the Infinity Group and part fo the leadership team for Strategic Shipping Services
Carter Henne
Carter is CEO of Sea and Shoreline creating and restoring coastal habits and marine environments
Dr. John Francis
John is known as the Planet Walker. He is a National Geographic Fellow. For 22 years he dis not use motorized transportation and did not speak.
Koty Sharp
Associate Professor Biology, Marine Biology, & Environmental Science and Director Sharp Lap at Roger Williams University, Rhode Island
Chris Imbsen
Chris is the Director of Destination Stewardship for the World Travel & Tourism Council and past Deputy Director for Europe for the UNWTO World Tourism Council
Silvia Barbone
A blue marble for Silvia Barbone, director of the PM4SD program that works to promote sustainable tourism across Europe.
Andrew M. Deutz Ph.D.
Managing Director, Global Policy & Conservation Finance, for the Nature Conservancy
Woochong Um
Managing Director General
Office of the President
Asian Development Bank
Joceyln Hong
Founder, Jocelyn Hong & Associates
Work inlcudes lobbying for coastal and ocean issues.
Warren Evans
Special Senior Advisor (Climate Change)
Office of the President, Asian Development Bank
Heidi Maes
From Belgium, now living in the U.S. - Strong advocate for a better world.
Jyoti Jankowski
Save the Soils Campaign
Praveena Sridhar
Save the Soils Campaign
Chief Arvol Looking Horse
Chief Arvol Looking Horse is a global transformational leader and 19th Generation Keeper of the Sacred White Buffalo Calf Pipe
Paula Looking Horse
Paula Looking Horse is the wife of Arvol Looking Horse and partner in the work of bringing the White Buffalo Calf Woman teachings to the world.
Paula in an accomplished traditional Dakota singer and artist. Her musical credits include opening for the Indigo Girls, touring Europe with Keith Secola and other notable native artists, and composing and producing her own cd, Songs of a Black Hills Woman
Wanbli Gleska Ho Waste’
Wanbli Gleska Ho Waste’ aka Johnny is working to address issues as climate change, peace, from the perspective of indigenius peoples from around the world.
Chief Arvol and Paula Looking Horse
The Looking Horse partnership is bringing the message of peace and the wisdome of the white buffalo calf woman to the world.
Zach Rasmussen
Farm Manager - Gamble Creek Farm
Natasha Ahuja
Organic Manager for Gamble Creek Farms
Shaynah Jankowski
Recent U of Michigan Graduate in Molecular Biology -- Future Planetary Leader
Ian Rhett
Product/Program/Project Management, Nashville, Tennessee
Vinod Sitaraman
Save the Soil Campaign
Tim Ross
Save the Soil Campaign
Steve Lewis
The Social Virtual Reality and Spacial Commupting Consultant
Anni Ellis
Host WMNF The Sustainable Living Show
Aichim Steiner
Former director of UNEP, and current director of UNDP and vice-chair of United Nations Sustainable Development Group.
CEO of the Hawai‘i Green Growth Local2030 Hub, an APEC-derived and internationally recognized center of excellencecurr
Greg is the Coastal Resilience lead for Fugro in the Americas, where he implements a Climate and Nature strategy to help partners prepare for the future.
Cheryl is a coastal geologist with more than 25 years of experience studying coastal climate risk and resilience.
President, Deborah Brosnan & Associates; Founder, OceanShot. She is an ocean climate-resilience scientist and visionary eco-leader reshaping the fight against environmental and climate hurdles.
Professor at the University of Central Florida's Rosen College of Hospitality Management, is a leading figure in Tourism Economics and Management.
Dr. Peabody is the founder and executive director of the Brain Health Initiative (BHI)
Professor and Director Institute for Advancing Health through Agriculture Distinguished Professor, Texas A&M University System
Steve is Full Professor and Department Chair of Tourism, Events and Attractions at Rosen College of Hospitality Management
Niharika Jhingan
Niharika is currently working at a Neuroscience lab, and will be joining the Harvard Chan School of Public Health for a Masters in Public Health this Fall. She is interested in Public Health (especially Mental Health + Brain Health broadly, Health Education and Prevention), Psychology, Nutrition and Sustainability.
Alaina is a master’s student at the University of Florida in the horticultural science department, focusing on the nutritional composition of broccoli. Driven by a passion for translating research into tangible solutions, Alaina aims to improve both human and environmental health..
Lauren Lindow is a PhD student at the University of Florida in Agricultural and Biological Engineering. Her research focuses on digital twins and controlled environment agriculture.
Sarah Benchea
Sarah Is a PhD Student at the University of Florida and an Ambassador for the College Agricultural and Life Sciences
Cindy Perret
Triathlete with the apiration of the plant being around a long time
Will Manson
Will Manson, General Manager of Gamble Creek farm, one of only 5 farms in the entire state of Florida to achieve the Real Organic certification and the first farm to be certified for growing brain healthy food.
Samantha Happ
Samantha is the Managing Director, Local2030 Islands Network. She is a is a sustainable development practitioner with lived and working experience across the Pacific and Southeast Asia.
Georgie Badiel
Georgie is a former Miss Africa and heads the Georgie Badiel Foundation that is bringing clean water to Africa
Ashlan Cousteau
Ashlan along with her husband Philippe Coustau provide leadership for Earth Echo. She is an American entertainment journalist. She is known for her work with E! News, Discovery Channel, and Travel Channel.
Anna Rathmann
Anna is the executive director of the Jane Goodall Institute. Her experience also includes a lengthy tenure at the National Geographic Society, where she worked in a range of development and program management roles.
Hunter Lovins
Hunter is is an American environmentalist, author, sustainable development proponent, co-founder of Rocky Mountain Institute, and president of the nonprofit organization Natural Capitalism Solutions.