Our Mission

Our mission is to collaborate with others to protect, enhance, and restore coastal habitats and marine environments.

At the heart of our mission lies the Blue Community destination program, an endeavor infused with passion and commitment to safeguarding, nurturing, and revitalizing coastal habitats and marine environments. We believe that these precious marine environments are not only essential for the well-being of our planet, but also crucial for the thriving tourism industry. Our program stands out from the rest, driven by a desire to make a lasting difference.

Central to our program is the development of a shared vision for communities, builing a sense of community around that vision, and creating postive cultures to support that community. 

Join us in our mission to protect, enhance, and restore coastal habitats and marine environments. Together, we can create a future where vibrant ecosystems coexist harmoniously with thriving tourism, ensuring a legacy of beauty and abundance for generations to come.