Christopher Lucas
Christopher Lucas, Secretary Blue Community Project
Chris currently lives in Charleston, South Carolina, the city where he was born and raised. For the last several years he has been working behind the scenes with Justin Farrow on formulating the Blue Community App as well as assisting in managing the Land Surveyors United online community.
Upon graduating high school, Chris attended the University of Massachusetts at Amherst where he earned a Bachelor’s of the Arts with a dual focus on English Literature and Film Theory. Having just spent four years in New England, Chris determined it was time to venture west and settled in San Francisco for the next few years.
After acting as an executive assistant to a top estate planning agent within the Northwestern Mutual network, Chris decided to explore his interest in the rule of law. Taking a paralegal position at a small telecommunications law firm, he focussed on issues surrounding the impact of the FCC and State Utilities Commission on clients.
Having a few years of legal experience under his belt, Chris headed back home to attend law school at the newly formed Charleston School of Law. In obtaining his Juris Doctorate, Chris pursued a focus of study that included environmental, property, immigration and European Union law. While he attended he also participated in an externship at the Center for Heir’s Property where he was able to assist in ensuring rightful Heirs were given representation in protecting and maintaining family land.
Upon graduation from Law School, Chris decided not to practice law, but to explore other options and once again packed his bags and headed to New York City where he would reside for the next five years. Working in both a corporate setting as a member of house counsel for a regional cable provider and later as a member of a small defense firm in Jersey City, New Jersey.
Ultimately Chris has settled again in Charleston where he and his fiance Kelly are able to enjoy spending more time with his family.
Chris is extremely excited to join the Blue Community and will become acting Secretary for the Project team.